Stroll and Shop on Main St. Hyannis

If Cape Cod were to have a downtown, it would have to be Main Street Hyannis. Main Street has seen a rebirth over the past few years with millions of dollars having been spent to provide pedestrian-friendly sidewalks and crosswalks. Seasonal decor lends a festive atmosphere, particularly during the tourist season when the street often takes on the vibe of a good street fair. Within a few short blocks, you’ll find about 150 locally-owned shops and galleries plus approximately 40 restaurants and cafés featuring a broad range of cuisines. Many eateries feature outdoor café style dining.

Park free in any number of large parking lots located behind the stores and stroll the street’s several blocks. For friendly advice and a wealth of printed materials, check out the Visitor Information Center run by the Hyannis Area Chamber of Commerce at 397 Main Street. Here you’ll also find the John F. Kennedy Hyannis Museum, dedicated to preserving the memories of JFK and his family and their days spent on Cape Cod. The museum is a multimedia exhibit designed to reflect the man, his family, his friends and the Cape Cod he so dearly loved, offering a rare glimpse into the private and peaceful life of the country’s 35th president.
You can certainly make a day of it here. Once you’ve exhausted Main Street itself, there are side streets to explore at the north end, take the Walkway to the Sea which will lead you to the Cape Cod Maritime Museum and beyond to the Ocean Street Docks where the ferry boats to the islands are located along with charter boats, shops, restaurants and art exhibits.

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